Day Care Without Walls
Mental stimulation enhances the efficiency of our brain. For example, if I am feeling a little sluggish it often helps to go on a short walk or go to a movie or a concert. The brain is built to respond to change and stimulation. This is true for those with normal memory as well as those with memory loss. Indeed, an essential ingredient of any treatment plan for those with progressive memory loss such as Alzheimer’s disease is to keep them engaged. The activity doesn’t matter. It is in the doing that counts.
Participants at well run residential and day care programs for the memory impaired are provided with “palliative” memory rehabilitation through engagement therapy. In essence, therapy allows those with memory loss to remain engaged in joyful and stimulating activities such as walking, socializing, thinking (e.g., word games, watching movies, art therapy, music therapy) that fit their interests and retained abilities. The key is to start these programs early when memory and other cognitive skills are working relatively well.
Day care programs are usually at a specific location where participants gather in a room(s) and engage in activities run by a staff member. Naples has a number of excellent programs (Millennium House, Ardent Manor, and The Care Club). However, they are limited by the need to be in a place like a “senior center.” Not everyone needs this kind of setting and not everyone does well in group activities.
I called for the development of day care without walls. The concept is simple. If you love to fish, keep fishing. If you love ballet, keep going to the ballet. The range of activities is limitless: movies, lunch, concerts, museums, art, exercise …. This can be done one-on-one or with small groups of 2-4 participants.
Jim Moran created CompanionPlus (239-566-2815) to meet this need in 2009. Participants are carefully selected and go out individually or in small groups to do activities of common interest. Their first outing was a group of three who went to a Twins game. Others have enjoyed golfing or lunch. Still others may go for supervised exercise. At this point most use the program for one-on-one outings in a safe, relaxed, friendly environment.
I had a chance to catch up with Jim and asked what types of activities seem to work best? “Activities with movement, such as golf, biking, tennis, walks on the beach are ideal because those types of activities enhance body, mind and spirit. Also, lunch, movies and ball games are popular. Just being out is the most important aspect of the program. Not only does the participant benefit but also family members and caregivers also benefit, they need their time to relax and recharge too.”
Jim remains enthusiastic about his experiences. He said “It’s been very gratifying.” Caregivers have said “we both really needed that” to stating that “we have been sent by divine intervention.” “I had one wife call and tell me her husband needed to get out with the Roosters’”. “I knew exactly what she meant. It’s important for men [or women] spend time with male [female] friends in activities they enjoy.”